Friday, July 4, 2008

Thing -#14 - Technorati

Technorati is simple to use and opens up the entire world for us to meet, greet, discuss, and obtain new ideas about everything. The subjects are anything you can think of and the ideas about these subjects are reflections of people globally. It is interesting to note that the popular topics deal with politics and the world of entertaining.
Tagging is easy for most of us, and since there are not any rules mandating how to tag, anything can be entered. There will allot of overlap in tagging but as long as people can locate their information this method should work.
After looking at School Library Learning 2.0 on several different searches, it was obvious that each was different but shared a few of the same postings. The videos were all posted on each search. Two searches might share a similar posting but general each site was different.

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