Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thing # 8 - Screen Capture-Jing

Accomplishing screen cast required several attempts but it was worth it and each attempt brought on new problems, microphone, sound, and getting it to the blog. However, mastering the technique and remembering a couple of points will make this a useful tool in distributing
mass communication to the school.

This technology will be useful in teaching a group a new idea and installing the screen cast on computers so that all students will have the same image and delivery. Students can then proceed in follow up activities according to the instructions given by the screen cast and the teacher can assit and monitor.

Students would also enjoy creating a screen cast as using the computer with the microphone and delivering a presentation would be a good method of recording what they've learned. They can then e mail review their presentation or just present it to the class through their blog or email.

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